Tuesday 27 July 2010

2 Stone Challenge

I'm back again, nothing has changed and i've probably gained lots of weight. I'm not weighing myself at the moment - its too terrifying. I just want to get into some sort of regular eating pattern and lose weight naturally - not put myself under any pressure. But thats easier said than done. I know that i'm not able to completely shut my mind off from thinking about the numbers on the scales and so i've been thinking of ways to turn things around without feeling overwhelmed.

I've therefore decided to set myself a challenge to lose 2 stone. If I manage that, I can feel like i've actually achieved a goal i've set for myself instead of my mind racing ahead and desperately trying to claw my way to the 'ideal' weight, which is so far away I seem to never be able to reach it. I become dispondant, defeated and miserable when I realise it will most likely take me a year or more to reach that goal and here I am struggling through days having next to nothing to eat and expecting to be able to manage that in the long term. Yes, it seems stupid that i've ever imagined I would manage that and I can't promise myself that I won't try to do it again, but for now if I can lose just 2 stone, I feel I will have achieved a lot. So here I go!

I'm not posting my starting weight. I may post my goal weight when I reach it. I think it'll be useful to post my menu plans and my losses, though I wont weigh myself until i'm comfortably into my eating plan.

Here I go again......